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karolina halatek's multisensory installation emits light and fog

May 26, 2023

Settled in the heart of Metz, Relic is a luminous installation by Karolina Halatek and TETRO+A seeking to shift perceptions and offer a new sky tracing perspective. The vessel takes the form of a pyramid, comprising circular metal steps traversed by a vertical beam of white light which emits a gentle artificial fog. The upward-reaching beam extends into the sky, visible from afar and drawing crowds in like a magnetic force. The installation invites the audience to ascend to its pinnacle, immersing themselves in the interplay of light and fog, becoming, in essence, a living monument.

all images courtesy of Karolina Halatek

In an era dominated by constant distractions from smartphones, social media, and incessant notifications, artist Karolina Halatek collaborated with agency TETRO+A to conceive Relic as a counterbalance to our virtual detachment. Amid the never-ending barrage of information and the fast-paced nature of modern life, the installation offers a moment of mindfulness, urging individuals to focus on and appreciate the present moment, detaching from distractions and fully embracing the here and how.

Interaction with Relic emphasizes the significance of each individual. As visitors engage with the installation, they become aware of the simultaneous creation of personal and collective history. It transforms into a public space for regeneration, a haven for rest and contemplation, and a catalyst for new interactions. Positioned at the heart of the city, it aims to surprise and inspire, while providing visitors with a fresh and illuminating perspective.

Karolina Halatek collaborates with TETRO+A for Relic

a luminous installation seeking to shift perceptions and offer a new sky tracing perspective

the vessel takes the form of a pyramid, comprising circular metal steps traversed by a vertical beam of white light

a gentle artificial fog engulfs visitors

the installation invites audiences to ascend to its pinnacle, immersing themselves in the interplay of light and fog

the installation offers a moment of mindfulness amid the fast-paced nature of modern life

project info:

name: Relic designer: Karolina Halatek curator and producer: TETRO+A

manufacturing: Art Composit & Art Project

designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.

edited by: ravail khan | designboom

installationKarolina Halateklightartistagencynotes Matthieu Debay, founder of TETRO+A.project info:name:designer:curator and producer:manufacturing: